Top Ten Tuesday: Popular Books That Lived Up to the Hype

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. The topics are scheduled in advance which you can check out here.

Today’s topic is: Popular Books that Lived Up to the Hype

1. Harry Potter (Series) by J.K. Rowling

Duh. I think this series will never not be hyped and it is hyped for a freaking reason.

2. Twilight (Series) by Stephenie Meyer

I definitely got pulled into acknowledging this hype once the first movie trailer came out and people were freaking out.  But I don’t care what anyone says, I loved the whole series, read it in a week, have since reread it and it will always hold a special place in my heart and shelves.

3. Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff


I just finished this one and you can read my review here. This whole series has been hyped and book one did NOT let me down and was so worth it. Hoping the rest of the series lives up to it and the hype.

4. A Court of Mist and Fury (ACOTAR Series) by Sarah J. Maas

I noticed the first book in this series before I noticed the hype. Then I finally read it when I started seeing it everywhere. And then I finally continued with the series and I was like, yup, I get it.  The hype was warranted.  Check my review of the series here.

5. Shatter Me (Series) by Tahereh Mafi

I think I found out about this book from a goodreads review and decided to give it a go.  This is probably one of my first introductions to a character who is the bad guy but then you’re like wow he has layers and decided to ship him with the heroine. and I loved it. I started noticing there was hype for this series once I started blogging and the 4th book was coming out. I think it lives up but I know there are some people who would disagree. You can check out my thoughts on the series so far here.

6. Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles) by Marissa Meyer

I was recommended this series by a friend in grad school so I feel like the hype is there when people in my real life actually recommend me a book due to the hype trickle down effect or whatever haha. Anyways I loved this series and still see it everywhere so I think the hype lives on.

7. The Martian by Andy Weir


The hype is real when it goes mainstream and is made into a movie, with Matt freaking Damon.  This was given to me as a gift due to the hype.  I gobbled this book down and was not disappointed.

8. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline


I think I only really noticed the hype for this book well after I read it, but also I was pretty disconnected from the bookish community back then.  But I still see this book referenced everywhere and they made it into a movie so, that’s hype if I ever heard of it. This is one of my favorite books of all time.

9. The Hunger Games (Series) by Suzanne Collins

so. much. hype.  My sisters and my mom even read this book before me guys. I swear when my family and friends are hyped about a book you know its like code red level hype.  I read the whole series in a week and I love the movies, so yeah, it lived up.

10. City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments) by Cassandra Clare

Again I was a bit disconnected from the bookish community during the initial hype for these but they are referenced eveRYwhErE.  They made a movie. There’s a show.  There a zillion spin-offs and extras in this world. I’ve read some criticisms for this series but honestly I love it, and loved it when I reread and I just think the Shadowhunters and their world is so cool. Long live the hype.

Honorable Mention: Obsidian (Lux Series) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Againnnnn, I was disconnected from the original hype.  But there is hype. and a spin-off series coming soon. This book/series was on my radar for a while and I finally took the plunge this year and it’s definitely one of my favorite series ever now.  Check out my review here.


LOL @ me just realizing that  6/10 of these were made into movies.
Also I used the word H Y P E 23 (now 24) times in this post….

Anyways! Go me for my second ever Top 10 Tuesday! I look forward to reading your posts and probably adding some more books to my TBR! 



  1. I’m chuckling that you actually counted how many times you used the word hype. You have some very popular series here. I want to continue on with the Sarah J. Maas series and I’ve heard book 2 is better, but Feyre drove me CRAZY in the first book – up until about the last 3rd of it. I still liked her sister better.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lol as I was writing it I was like uhh I think I’m saying the word hype too much but I couldn’t stop and then I was like screw it I’ll just own it and count them up.

      Feyre’s character definitelyyyy improves throughout the series. And her sister is quite a character, you get a lot more from her in book 3 and the next series is going to focus on her which I’m really interested to read.


  2. Awesome list! I love so many of these. ♥ I’m so glad I finally got into the Shadowhunters world of books this year, I’ve adored them honestly. The Hunger Games is one of my all time favorites, and so is the ACOTAR series of course! And I’m actually hoping to pick up Shatter Me some time in August or September. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah I’ll never not like Shadowhunters. Only thing I decided I won’t do is read The Infernal Devices because I don’t really like “prequels” or going back in time but otherwise I’m all in. The Shatter Me series really surprised me when I read it and it seems some people either really like or hate the writing style – I’m excited to see what your thoughts are on it!


  3. I was determined not to read ACOTAR, ever, because of all the hype. But i picked it up few weeks ago and ended up binge reading all of them. Except the last one, still waiting in the line at the library

    Liked by 1 person

    • I was convinced my some blogger friends to give the second book a try after I finished the first and wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue and I’m SO glad I did omgggg. definitely one of my favorite series ever now.


  4. I totally feel you on Twilight. I don’t care what people say about the series or the writing… I lived and breathe Twilight for years and it was what really made me love reading.

    The Lunar Chronicles and Shatter Me Series made my list too. I love Hunger Games and TMI series (but I haven’t finished TMI yet).

    I’ve been meaning to read the LUX series, but it just seems so long and my schedule is always so hectic. That’s why I’ve been mostly reading standalones and shorter series.


    Liked by 1 person

  5. I laughed when I saw what you wrote about how many of the above series were made into films. I think that really is a good measure of how hyped a YA book is. I will forever wander in the Shadowhunter’s world. The Illuminae Files is one of my favorite series. ToG and Shatter Me are favorites too. I think my favorite SJM book is ACOMAF. It just left me feeling all sorts of pumped up.


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