DNF: Book Series to Reconsider?

I’ve been going through my books recently, both physical and ebooks.  Because yay I love going through my books,  I’m trying to prioritize my TBR, and I’m trying to figure out which books I might do reviews for soon.  And I noticed a few things.  The first being that so many of my favorite romances, paranormal, urban fantasy, and contemporary, are mainly hidden on my kindle app and not being shown off on my physical shelves. Which actually makes me kind of sad. It’s partly due to that instant gratification of downloading a book as soon as I decide I want it. And partly because I used to think those books should be labeled “guilty pleasures” and didn’t need to be shown off.  SO glad I’m done with that ridiculous way of thinking!

The second thing I noticed was that I have four series that fit that genre on my physical shelves that I never finished.  And two more series in that genre on my kindle that I haven’t decided about finishing yet either.  After putting together a list of which books I would need to complete my collections of these series, I stumbled upon a blog series on the Aurora Librialis blog where she talks about series she hasn’t finished and decides if she’s going to keep reading or DNF.  I definitely don’t have has as many unfinished series as her to make a whole series of posts about it but since I already compiled my own similar list I thought I’d do one post and then hear from guys about if I should finish these book series or not.

(Side/sad note: my husband let a Yankee Candle fall on my iPad and now it’s all cracked and I’m in mourning, even though it still works. How could he do this to me??)

Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz
published: 7/7 | read: 4?/7


I started reading this series back in college when I was just spreading my wings into the paranormal romance genre. My roommate and I used to fangirl over this together real hard. It’s a young adult series with a really cool take on vampires. It also mixes fallen angel stories with historical components like the colonization of North America.

My memory is a bit fuzzy but I think I stopped reading this series because I didn’t keep up with buying the new installments? And I was in college where real life and homework really started to interfere with making reading for fun a priority.  And my collection is weirdly incomplete where I’m missing books 5 & 7, but I have the rest in physical form and then I have the novella 5.5 on my kindle.  And I’m pretty sure I read the 5.5 novella so idk what happened.  Maybe I did read book 5 and lost it? It seems unlikely but I might have let someone borrow it. Either way, if I decide to finish this series I’ll need to get physical copies of 5 & 7 and then start the whole thing over from the beginning.

(Side note: I did read and finish the spin-off series Witches of East End, mostly because I was obsessed with the TV show and v sad that it was cancelled, r.i.p.)

House of Night by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
published: 12/12 | read: 10?/12

*book 9*

I started reading this series in high school I’m pretty sure.  It is another young adult series with a cool take on vampires.  In the first book the main character gets “marked” as a vampire and then she has to become nocturnal and live and go to school at the House of Night with other vampire students.  The twist is that not all of the vampy students survive their first year (?) being marked and they die before becoming actual vampires.  I’m a little fuzzy on the details but the characters are great in this one and the romance is fun and not the typical “meets one dude in the beginning and he’s the soul mate forever” trope.

I didn’t end up finishing this series because I didn’t keep up with the new releases, I think too much time passed and I started to forget where I was in the story and so I wasn’t as eager to jump into the next one.  I bought all of these in physical copies but the first 1-8 are at my parent’s house and I have 9 & 10 here with me because I think those are the two I bought when I was in college.  So I’d have to get the last two of the series and probably have my parents send me the first eight so that I could start back from the beginning again.

Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston
published: 3/3 | read: 2/3


I honestly have no idea when I started reading these but the first two I have on my physical shelf so I’m thinking probably in college.  And then I eventually bought the third one on my kindle which I hate having them separated like that (I have a few other series I’ve done this with and it’s so annoying  but my need for getting books into my grubby finger as fast as I can often wins out).

This young adult series is about the fae world and a girl who gets caught up in it living in NYC. I don’t really remember much but I think the different fae courts were involved and there was definitely some romance.  And I feel like they were keeping a horse or unicorn or pegasus in the bathroom?? I remember liking it but I’d definitely have to start this one back from the beginning too since it’s been so long.

Fallen by Lauren Kate
published: 5/5 | read 2?/5


I also started this one in college.  Idk if you’re seeing the pattern here like I am but college was not pro me finishing book series.  Especially if the works weren’t already all published when I start them.  I honestly didn’t even know there were five books in this series. Though apparently the main POV character of the fifth book is different than the first four.

This is another young adult, paranormal romance that I’m pretty positive was about fallen angels.  I think it’s a star-crossed lovers trope, where they’ve had multiple past lives and no happy endings.  I remember being really into it but again just never kept up with the new releases.  This is another one I’d have to complete my physical collection and start from the beginning.

Fever by Karen Marie Moning
published: 10/11? | read: 5/11


I started reading this series in 2016.  I know there is a huge fan base for these books and that the continuation of the series after book 5 is a bit.. controversial? Idk but I know some people advocate for ending the series right where I did while others kept going and continue to want more.

This is an adult series that has a fun, unique, urban fantasy take on the fae and their courts and takes place in Dublin. I did really like this series but I was beginning to feel a bit exhausted from it towards the end.  Also I wasn’t very excited about the idea of reading anything from Dani’s POV especially at her age. I  have the first five on my kindle and I remember enough that I wouldn’t need to start over to continue this series.  I’m just on the fence about it.  I feel like I’ll have to drudge through Dani’s story just to get back to Mac’s and idk if it’s worth it? Let me know!

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
published: 3/6 | read: 1/6


Okay this one is sure to ruffle some feathers.. I read the first book in October 2017 on my kindle.  I enjoyed it well enough. I quickly downloaded the second book. And then I just never felt compelled to start it!

I feel like describing this one is a waste of time since eVErYoNe knows about it but it’s a new adult retelling of the beauty and the beast trope with fae and their courts, and fae vs. human themes.  With romance.  Obviously.

I tried to get myself back into it by reading some reviews that honestly might have made it worse.  I’ve definitely had some spoilers and though that doesn’t usually stop me I just still haven’t felt drawn to actually… care enough to read it? Ugh. I know that SO many people are obsessed with this series so idk what’s wrong with me.  I did finally try cracking book two open, admittedly while I was drinking and that probably didn’t help, but I felt so turned off the by the POV of Feyre.  I only got a few pages in and was like nope.  But seeing how so many people love it so much I’m reconsidering my position and might just push through to, hopefully find something worth it?? This is the series I probably need the most convincing for!


Let me know what you guys think! Do you have a favorite of these series? Which of them should I finish and which should I say goodbye to and DNF?

Help convince me!


    • Very true, my brain just feels very compulsively that it must finished what it started lol that’s why I’m hoping hearing from others can help me let go of some of these and read the ones that’ll be worth it

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  1. I read the Fallen series. It was okay, but a little too “you’re my epic love and the only one for me” for my tastes. The first book was the best one.

    I haven’t read any of the other series you mentioned, but I love the way you described your experience with ACOTAR. So many people love those books, but I’ve never gotten into them. I read most of the Throne of Glass series, but fell out of love with it last year and can’t get back into it.

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  2. I read a bit of the first Fallen book, but I didn’t like it much. I’m not the hugest fan of the ACOTAR series and the first book is my least favourite, but I did enjoy the second.

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  3. I could never do a post like this it would be way too depressing for a couple reasons I’m much older than you so I have years of series I have not finished and some series I just have no idea why I stopped reading them? And I don’t have the time to play catch-up on thousands of series, well thousands might be an exaggeration🙂
    Enjoyed your post!💕

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lol well there are definitely other series that I haven’t finished but these are the handful I’ve thought about completing and can’t decide if it’s worth it. And if I’m not going to I feel like I should get some of them off my shelves to make way for other books

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      • I’m a non fantasy person, I’ve tried and tried but I just can’t seem to find anything I like.
        I’ve heard so many good things about ACOTAR but I have read another one of her books and didn’t like that either, so I think it’s just me lol

        😘 V x

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  4. The only one of these I’ve read is ACOTAR and I was honestly so surprised by how much I loved the second book. I’d heard from so many people that it was a lot better than the first book, but I wasn’t expecting it to be *that* much better. Once I got about halfway through it I couldn’t put it down, so I think it’s worth continuing. But that’s just my opinion and I know lots of people disagree 🙂

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    • Yeah so I finally decided to read the second and flew through it and the third one in like four days. SOOO glad I decided to. They were so good and completely changed my perspective on the first book. I think Maas took a risk writing the series that way but the pay out was so worth it.

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  5. I’m a non fantasy person, I’ve tried and tried but I just can’t seem to find anything I like.
    I’ve heard so many good things about ACOTAR but I have read another one of her books and didn’t like that either, so I think it’s just me lol

    😘 V x

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    • So I did finally decided to continue with ACOTAR and the second one REALLY is amazing!!! And I pretty much instantly reread the whole series right after finishing. And now I’m obsessed. I’m just now starting Throne of Glass with The Assassin’s Blade novellas to stave off my book hangover from ACOTAR.

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      • Oh man, I may get to it this summer then, haha. I have yet to read the novella’s for Throne of Glass (which is one of my favorite series). Which I’m kind of glad, as there are some details about Celaena I’m glad I didn’t know beforehand, as they made them more of a surprise in the series. BUT, either way, THRONE OF GLASS HAS PUT ME THROUGH SO MANY EMOTIONS SO STRAP IN

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        • Oh god I’m so nervous!!! Someone else just told it’s going to be a roller coaster, idk if I’m ready ahh!! I tried to ask around about reading the novellas first or not and didn’t get much feedback so I just went for it because I probably wouldn’t want to read them after I read all the main stuff? Idk I typically like to go forward in stories and not back

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          • From what I believe are in the novellas, you will learn the same things in the series, but just in lesser detail and in a longer, drawn out period of time. For instance, you don’t really know everything about Sam until, like, the 4th or 5th book. I think once the final one comes out this year, I may go back and read it.

            But, I just remember with Crown of Midnight walking into work reading it and literal freaking out in the middle of the store, haha.

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